I've always loved working with people. I really enjoy seeing people shine with happiness when they achieve their goals.
Sharon Corrigan
Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching
I've always loved working with people. I really enjoy seeing people shine with happiness when they achieve their goals.
Straight out of high school I chose to study to be a physical education teacher and worked in this job where I felt I didn't belong for 7 years.
I was miserable, I gained 30kg's and I woke up every morning hoping that I would feel sick so that I wouldn't have to go to work.
I love this journey with like-minded people and I am very grateful to The Coaching Institute for this opportunity to contribute to others in such a cool way!
Then I left teaching to have a family and had 3 beautiful boys.
During this time I met my best friend, work colleague and fellow life coach Linda Mancino.
I lost the 30kgs I had put on while living life unhappily as a teacher and became a personal trainer, with Linda's encouragement, which I love. To see a change in others is just so fulfilling, it also gives me strength.
Then, 2.5 years ago, my life changed drastically in an instant. I was out on a run one day, training for one of many half marathons. I'd had a bad headache and decided to try to run it off. However, only 1km into my run, I suffered a stroke.
My life for the next year was filled with fear, anxiety and a complete loss of identity. This led to depression. I was in a bad place.
With the help of my family, my friends, and most importantly my own belief that life had to get better again, it did. Slowly at first, but it gathered momentum.
During this time of personal growth and exploration I discovered an inner strength that I never knew existed.
I worked out (in a round-about way) what my core needs and values are and I prioritized life accordingly.
Then my dear friend Linda recommended I join her on the journey to becoming a life coach with The Coaching Institute.
As soon as I looked into it, my heart lit up. This is where I am meant to be.
I joined up and have not looked back for a second. I love learning. My reading is slow because of my stroke, but nothing can hold me back when I'm in my "happy place" with something I really care about.
The recent highlight of my coaching journey has been running my first health retreat with my partner in all things awesome, Linda. We make any situation awesome to be honest!
We put the word out to a selected group of women from our Bootcamp and it was booked out before we could even draw breath.
We booked an amazing venue at Fairhaven Beach, planned presentations, menus, fitness activities, meditation sessions, cooking sessions, coaching sessions, metafit sessions, beach sessions.
It was amazing. We packed so much into the weekend, but still managed to create a relaxing, nurturing environment, where everyone felt relaxed, accepted and open to great quality conversations and ideas.
The feedback from our retreat has been really positive and we have already planned the next one!
In the meantime my goals are to continue my study with The Coaching Institute, to continue to serve others with my coaching and to continue learning and doing things in life that align with my personal values.
I love this journey with like-minded people and I am very grateful to The Coaching Institute for this opportunity to contribute to others in such a cool way!
Sharon Corrigan
Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching