I feel I’ve really come into my own and with the help of The Coaching Institute bringing this out in me, I wander where I would be today if I wasn’t with The Coaching Institute…

Calley Morrison
Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching
"The Coaching Institute has help give me the courage and a platform to help others."
My journey with The Coaching Institute started in October 2013, I was nervous, anxious but mostly excited to meet other like-minded people who had also decided to take this journey.
I’m a mum of two grown children (17 & 19 years old) who had become independent and no longer really needed my time every day like they use too - thank god really!
It was time for ME!
I had also been a travel agent for the past 9 years, which I grown out of and lost the passion I once had. So I found a big hole in my life with no longer being a full time mum, work was now non-existent so it was time for ME!
I started doing some pretty deep soul searching with what I wanted in life and where I wanted to be in 5 years, 10 years, and the rest of my life time.
So after many tears, books, wine & girlfriend chats I found The Coaching Institute and in my heart I knew it was what I was meant to do, I ask for confirmation (in my own way) and it came. Within 2 weeks I was signed with The Coaching Institute and as they say the rest was history.
"I have found a place of peace, balance and confidence. With my own personal development journey over several years, The Coaching Institute has help give me the courage and a platform to express it and help others..."

Calley Morrison
Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching
So January 2014 I launch The Real You Life Coaching
My business focuses mainly on women within the Mining Industry.
I have just released two seminar dates for my first seminars to be held called The Real Miners Wives. Which is supporting the women who support their men in the mining industry.
People don’t realise how much stress & pressure these women go through being home alone up to 6mths of the year and all the responsibility that go with it.
Some having their own careers to contend with then coming home to be a mum, as well as running the house cooking, cleaning, organising the kids with their school commitments etc not to mention out of school activities sports, music etc.
Then you have the emotional challenges that’s also come along, whether it’s being isolated in a mining town with no immediate family or friends to help out or feeling disconnected from your man due to the distance and time apart from each other.
So my seminar addresses some of these issues and how the women can feel supported, more confident in how to deal with these issues and know they are definitely not alone with what they are going through.
My seminar was talked about on Zinc FM
My highlight to date was hearing my seminar being talked about on the radio station, Zinc FM breakfast show. I hadn’t – at that stage advertised my seminars, so to hear them talking about it was shocking.
I called the radio to ask where and how they got there information from and the advised me they read it on page 3 of the morning paper!! Which again I hadn’t spoken to the paper about this either.
So after a little investigating I realised they saw my Facebook page where I had posted the seminar, put it in the paper then the radio saw the paper and made it a topic of conversation in their morning show.
I was shock, surprised and humbled all at the same time. The radio then asked me for a proper interview about my event that was recorded and aired two days later and the paper is not only advertising my event, they are doing an editorial on my seminar and how it can help the women in our community...
I feel I have found my “niche” dear I say it, as I have personal experience in this life and the struggles these ladies do go through.
I have found a place of peace, balance and confidence. With my own personal development journey over several years, The Coaching Institute has help give me the courage and a platform to express it and help others.
My dream which I’m currently working on, is to take this national then international.
I have recently done up a proposal to submit to the big mining giants of Australia (Rio Tinto, BHP, Xstrata) asking them to jump on board and sponsor me with taking this message out there to every mining town and as many mining families as possible.
It’s not just about the men going to work and driving around a pit, it’s about the sacrifices these families make to be doing the job they do. Living remote, time away from family & friends and relationships suffering because of it.
If I can be the one voice to help so many around Australia, then that is my dream because Mining Families Matter.
I'm grateful! The long, hard journey I’ve had throughout my life – nothing has been on a plate. I feel I’ve really come into my own and with the help of The Coaching Insitute bringing this out in me, I wander where I would be today if I wasn’t with The Coaching Institute… Thanks guys for all your teaching & support!

Calley Morrison
Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching