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International Coaching Institute
4 min read
The Coaching Institute was the Perfect Fit
In early 2015 I became curious to know more about coaching and quickly found myself on one of Matt Lavars' magnificent discovery...

International Coaching Institute
1 min read
How Joining TCI was a game changer
I was ready to learn how to make some changes and that’s when the teacher appeared. I’ve been a very determined person from a young age....

International Coaching Institute
2 min read
I am Living my Purpose, and my Passion
In the last month I have taken my coaching business on the road traveling doing the two things I love most in life; 1. Empowering people...

International Coaching Institute
2 min read
How Coaching Helped Me Create My Career
Androulla Sakkas Accredited Professional Coach It was 5 years ago when I made the decision to join The Coaching Institute while working...
International Coaching Institute
2 min read
I have gained so much more than income
Living my life to its fullest At the beginning I was only after another way of generating income so I could leave my job and have more...

International Coaching Institute
3 min read
How My Leap of Faith really paid off
What happened for me to make this leap of faith? I wanted to take back the wheel and drive my future in the direction I wanted to, to...
International Coaching Institute
5 min read
The Secret to finding My Desired Success
If you have your goal and willing to stick to it you can get what you want and be successful at the same time, just lean in and learn...

International Coaching Institute
3 min read
My Personal Journey with The Coaching Institute
I was determined to change few things like my ego and my arrogance, and WOW, I did not know about it before! This has been a very deep...

International Coaching Institute
7 min read
My dreams are slowly coming true
My dreams are slowly coming true I dreamt of starting a coach training institute in India three years ago. That seemed so hard to do at...
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