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How My Leap of Faith really paid off

What happened for me to make this leap of faith? I wanted to take back the wheel and drive my future in the direction I wanted to, to live a fulfilling life where I get to feel passion in what I do on a daily basis. It was so far away from where I was, but I was determined.

Vanessa Medling

Vanessa Medling

Accredited Professional Coach

I first attended The Coaching Institute in May 2014 after a few months of researching coaching courses online.

I was fairly confident The Coaching Institute was for me based on what I had seen on the website, and as I stepped into the foyer I knew it was absolutely where I needed to be.

Listening to Joe Pane talk for a full day (it felt like 10 minutes) reaffirmed the learning I was going to receive was going to be of great quality and taught by exceptional trainers.

I waited very patiently and with great anticipation for my intake weekend, which happened a few months later in early September.

What happened for me to make this leap of faith?

The end of 2013 finished badly, I found myself back in a role at work that I had outgrown and a relationship I had been in for a few years ended suddenly, neither of them by my choice.

I spent a few months just making it through each day as best I could and as the pity party ended, I decided that it was time for change

I wanted to take back the wheel and drive my future in the direction I wanted to, to live a fulfilling life where I get to feel passion in what I do on a daily basis. It was so far away from where I was, but I was determined!

Throughout my years as a leader in the workplace, I discovered that what I really loved to do was to work with aspiring leaders, those who were in the early days of their leadership journey and who had great aspirations to be the best they could be, but who lacked a bit of confidence in themselves, and that held them back.

So coaching seemed like a great way for me to find the skills to really empower others to bring out the best in themselves.

“In September 2015 I left my job of almost 15 years to work full time in the business I created - Inspiring Success. Taking the leap of faith from a secure job to fully backing myself has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. And one of the scariest . . .”
Vanessa Medling

Vanessa Medling

Accredited Professional Coach

Fast forward three years from my first training at The Coaching Institute and I am living my dream.

I am working with amazing clients and living my mission of developing and supporting exceptional leaders every day.

The industries I work in range from manufacturing to Government to small businesses and everything in between.

I am sustaining my lifestyle completely through my business, and have a very exciting future ahead as I gain more experience and offer more value to clients I haven’t even met yet.

One of my biggest successes in my business so far was at the beginning of this year when I secured a contract with a local business.

I am working with them for a full year, supporting the development of their senior leadership team.

This marked a turning point in my business as it replaced my full-time wage with just one contract.

I am so grateful for this opportunity to put into practice everything I have learned, and I am enjoying the challenge of being stretched and raising my standards as I continue to learn.

If I were to put my success down to one thing (which is hard because it is more than one!) it would definitely be my attitude around taking action. It was the difference that made the difference for me.

We have so many phenomenal resources available to us at The Coaching Institute, but in my opinion, success is only achieved by those who dare to implement what they learn.

For me, that was about shifting my focus from me, to how I can serve others.

I love that I am able to share what I have learned as it has such a huge impact on the lives of my clients, their colleagues, teams, and families. What a privilege!

Vanessa Medling

Vanessa Medling

Accredited Professional Coach


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