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It’s impossible to put a value on what I gained

I signed up for coaching training with TCI over two years ago. What I got was far more.

"At the time though, I was sure I already knew ‘stuff’. Everything, really. Stuff about people and how they tick and think"
Yaja Nowakowski

Yaja Nowakowski

Accredited Professional Coach

Stuff about how things are in the workplace. Stuff about how the world works and why things are the way they are. Of course, I knew it all. 58 years old, lived and worked all over Australia and overseas, from busy cities to desert communities, in numerous professions - teacher, in hospitality, CEO of an aboriginal community, police officer, and so much more. Of course, I knew it all.

All I thought I needed was how to make coaching a successful business for me. 

I now know how much I didn’t know and how much I’ve yet to learn.

I’ve discovered more in a year with TCI than I did in over 30 years of personal and professional development experience leading up to that time. I’m absolutely enthralled by this training. I’m a long way off from being the ideal student. I do know what works and this sure does.

My life has been given a massive shakeup as I’ve assessed and reassessed where I’ve been, where I’m going and where I’m at.

I’ve discovered the value of having a powerful inner culture as well as one for my business and how these create an unshakeable foundation for personal and business growth and success.

I’ve discovered that giving and championing others is the key to living and working successfully.

I’ve discovered tools and resources and a supportive community to help me build a coaching/training business.

I’ve discovered none of this would have been possible without the guidance of Remi Pearson and her incredible team at TCI.

I realise too, that these may appear common and perhaps obvious. Perhaps.

I’ve been to training events all over Australia. I’ve attended all kinds of educational programs. And when I say I’m picky, it’s true. I’m very particular about content, methodology, and professionalism. Reflecting on all my years in the workforce and being in a ‘normal’ school, I have never been challenged so beautifully, trained so elegantly and effortlessly, and I have not experienced the kind of professional yet nurturing culture as I have with TCI.

I’m indebted. Deeply.

Yaja Nowakowski

Yaja Nowakowski

Accredited Professional Coach



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