I came from a background of corporate for one of the leading market research companies in Australia

Jane Nguyen
Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching, Meta Dynamics™ Profiler
I have always been fascinated by the psychology behind how big companies can influence the customer buying behaviours through branding, product displays, packaging etc.
The job was stable but I wasn’t feeling happy for fulfilled. Looking from the outside, I was well out together, but I was a complete mess from the inside. I was feeling depressed, insecure, having low self-confidence and self-esteem.
“I knew something had to change. I have always been interested in personal development but there was one event that changed my life forever – The Tony Robbins’ event: Unleash The Power”

Jane Nguyen
Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching, Meta Dynamics™ Profiler
In January 2013, I decided to enrol in coaching at The Coaching Institute mainly for personal development purpose. I love every step of the journey because it has allowed me to continuously grow and stretch my comfort zone. I was able to push boundaries and limits I once thought was impossible. I was able to find the confidence and certainty within myself to deal with anything that came my way. Through the coaching journey, I was able reclaim my personal power and become the change I seek in the world. Everything around me started to change as a result and I am so grateful for this wonderful journey.
My purpose is to live my life to the fullest potential and by doing so, inspire others to do the same. So I started a business and quit my corporate job. It was in that moment I chose to create a lifestyle that I love and passionate about. Throughout the journey, I constantly remind myself that I have the power to create whatever I desire and I have not looked back since.
Joining The Coaching Institute has been one of the biggest learning curves in my life. I had no idea about how to establish a business or how to sell myself. There have been a lot of ups and downs, and definitely big learning curves. I was able to use the knowledge I have had in market research to build my brand, in terms of colour, positioning, exposure etc. Self-belief and consistency are the keys to my quality marketing. It didn’t come as a second nature; it is something I had to learn over time. You need to absolutely believe in what you do, stand in your own conviction and keep going at it until you reach your goals. I realise that the journey to build a successful business is not a sprint; it is a long marathon that requires determination, perseverance and an absolute self-belief.
The most important aspects of my coaching journey have been being active in The Coaching Institute’s community, embracing curiosity and uncertainty and reaching out when I need help. Seeking a mentor has allowed me to grow my business tremendously and it is something I strongly recommend everyone to do. You can spend months or years trialing and error, or you can find someone who has created the results that you are after and model their success. It was also very important to surround myself with the right people, those who will lift me up and champion me to my greatest.
The coaching journey is self-discovery one. Prepare to stretch, learn and grow. Be curious. Embrace uncertainty and vulnerability. Believe in yourself. Reach out when you need help. Surround yourself with like-minded people. Serve and champion others, as you would do that for yourself. Make mistakes, laugh and learn. Be comfortable with being successful. Live your passion.
My future?
Continuously grow myself as well as my business. Become the leading expert in the Relationship Coaching industry, get more exposure on different media platforms, and share my message as widely as possible. My passion is to serve and help others living their lives to the fullest potential. I have recently written and published my book – “Honeymoon Forever”; which is about my journey of overcoming relationship abuse and violence in the past to creating an amazing relationship I truly deserve. My book helps others understand the psychology and strategies behind building successful relationships with themselves and others. Relationship is no longer a ‘wishing, hoping or waiting’ game but a creation for those who truly believe in the power of their dreams and are committed to living and loving life to its fullest potential.
“Thank you so much to The Coaching Institute and the amazing community that I have the privilege to be a part of. The Coaching Institute has exceeded my expectations in everyway. The vision, culture and success that Remi has created are just phenomenal. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. What an amazing community that champion people to live their dreams. ”
Thank you for all that you have done. You guys are just awesome!
I’m proud to be a part of, and to be contributing to, this community.

Jane Nguyen
Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching, Meta Dynamics™ Profiler