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I am Beyond Grateful for What I Learnt

I had been working as a radiation therapist and personal training changing people’s bodies and treating cancer.

Amber Hawken

Personal Training

I realised that what really matters most is the psychological structure and thinking of my clients and patience that would make a difference.

I knew that what I was doing was a type of “coaching” as I sat down with each of the people I helped and ask them how they felt and what they thought about their life, self and gave them ideas and options on how to make mental changes to produce real sustainable results in their lives. So I sat down at my computer and googled coaching - up popped TCI - I rang and spoke to Matt Lavars - absolute legend. A few weeks later I was at my first training, inspired and ready to put structure around what I was already doing in order to make an even bigger more transformational impact in my clients.

“I love healing people and showing them how capable they are to reach and extraordinary quality of life through taking care of their body and their thoughts.”

Amber Hawken

Personal Training

People settle for such low standards.

I want to resolve their self-doubt and create a sense of achievement in my clients and patients rather than treating symptoms of toxic abuse both emotional and physical (worst of all the abuse is unconscious - people don’t know what to eat or the true power of their thoughts). So I wanted to go into education and prevention so I wasn’t at the receiving end.

Right now I’m working on expanding Bloom, a business I started for women’s health and empowerment, with the first event in January 2014 with a 4 day retreat, with more than 8 speakers, workshops on holistic health in Northern NSW hinterlands at an eco-retreat and spa. Why just women? Not because I think only women deserve this, but because it’s what I know best and I want to focus on the area I can make the greatest, most effective impact. Bloom’s tag is ‘Revitalise, Empower, Transform’. That pretty much sums up the reason I created it. I’m working now on an online version to expand self-awareness and inspire women to take responsibility for their health, bodies and fulfillment in life.

I have thought about this long and hard. Success to me isn’t the actions I’ve taken, it’s actually my perspective on the outcomes of my actions. Eg. just starting, just having a go and creating something that’s never been done before, no matter how terrified I was – that to me is a success. The actual retreat itself was insane. It was one of the hardest, craziest things I’ve ever done and in the end it cost me money, health and I swear, a little of my soul. It took me over a month to return to normal, but looking back there is no greater achievement than following through on something that most people thought was impossible to pull off by myself in 6 months’ time. I learnt so much, SO MUCH. It was like going to an intense business course for life. Now THAT is success. I am beyond grateful for what I learnt. Needless to say I will be doing one again, but this time a million times better. The most imperative thing I learnt is that, you are never ready, well you don’t THINK you are, so if you’re battling in your mind about taking the plunge and you “don’t think you’re ready”- then it’s the perfect time to do it.

Taking Bloom’s philosophy and creating an online system. Moving into a younger niche – schools and early uni – 13-30 age bracket to tackle ego-driven behavior, teach affirmations, healthy eating and yoga in a way that fun, attractive, simple and desirable for that age bracket. I’m doing school to workout online as well as touching base with local high schools in Brisbane to do a free seminar.

The lesson I learnt from my upbringing. My drive comes from the knowing there are so many people out there that need this, that there are millions of lives I can change if I make this happen. I’ll dedicate my life to helping people understand how good they are meant to feel both physically spiritually and emotionally.

Amber Hawken

Personal Training


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