So I thought I would become a teacher
Megan Jaworski
However, after teaching for nearly seven years in five countries around the world, establishing a charity and a school in Zimbabwe for orphans and children who lived on the streets, teaching in a leper colony in India, and teaching within the private and public sector within Australia, I realised what my true passion was - changing people's lives for the better. I wanted to do it on a deeper, more meaningful level than what I was currently able to do. I researched 'Life coaching' and came across TCI. I didn't need much convincing to join, and I have not looked back ever since.
Up until the end of 2013 I was teaching four days a week whilst establishing my business 'be the change' and studying a Diploma in Life Coaching. I incorporated what I learnt into my classroom practice. During that time I was able to empower a student who was rather depressed and 'cutting' to choose to be happy through various mindset strategies I taught from NLP, plus empower many other students. I have a few paid clients that I regularly coach and run women empowerment workshops that focus on 'mind, body and spirit', as I am passionate about women's health, as my mother passed away recently. More recently I have developed my leadership coaching skills where I now run leadership training for NGO's, businesses, schools and individuals.
“This led me to an exciting opportunity. One of my business clients gave me the contact details of an organisation that educates and supports over four hundred body corporate organisation in Victoria”
Megan Jaworski
I cold called them, got an appointment, and shared with them what I do. They wanted me to write an article to include in their newsletter for their clients about what I do and how it can help their businesses. I have only just written the article, and I am excited about the exposure to so many businesses through this reputable source.
My coaching has led to helping so many people in such a meaningful way. Recently I ran a workshop for year nine and ten students on a model of adult development I learnt in my Meta Dynamics training. The feedback I received from the students blew my mind. About twenty students came up to me wanting to talk to me and share their story. One girl was suicidal and seeing a psychologist. She said "this is the first thing that has ever made sense to me. I can see a light now. I am not sure how to get there but I now know where I want to go." Another student was in tears and said "I need to love myself more.
I need to speak nicer to myself and not be so negative", whilst another said "I can't let other students stop me from letting my light shine. I need to be truly humble, which is sharing the gift I have with others, and not shying away." Teenager after teenagers shared their stories. I hugged, coached and inspired. I walked away from that experience knowing this is what I want to do. Knowing how powerful this information is and knowing it is an injustice for me NOT to share it.
Another way I am making a meaningful difference is through business coaching. About a month ago I taught a client the ESIP model for their business, along with disruptive leadership questions. They went away to work on one area of their business. After two sessions and one month later, they gained five new clients, which has increased their client database by 20%! I couldn't believe it. They said they implemented what I taught them and it works. Why was I surprised?
My goal is to share this information to students, teachers, individuals and businesses. I want them to lead their lives and make the world a better place. I want to transform the education system by training teachers, transform teenagers lives by empowering them, transform business by equipping them with resources and skills and transform individuals by providing them with tools they need in order to change their lives.
I believe that success for me has come down to my mindset, the community I am involved in, my drive and passion to make a difference. I use the tools and information I am taught at TCI and I trust that it will work, every time. If I have a compelling enough reason as to why I want success then nothing will hold me back. My 'why' is that I believe I was born to be extraordinary and leave this world better than when I came into it. It's to play big in life, to take risks, to be a powerful leader and to empower others to do the same. No one benefits by me choosing to play small. So every day I wake up and I ask myself "how am I going to choose to play big in life today? How will today be extraordinary?" And I do play big, no matter what I have planned for the day.
Megan Jaworski