I began my coaching journey in September 2014... What a ride!
"Thank You The Coaching Institute… For Everything!"
Lynn Matthews
Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching
I began my coaching journey in September 2014... What a ride!
I have been a registered physiotherapist for 30 years; my passion as well as my profession. I have always (yes always, no generalisation here) been fascinated in the mind: body connection when it comes to health and healing.
I have read widely throughout my adult life about the variables that can influence healing: from diet, mindfulness, spirituality and exercise to medication and sleep.
The mind is the greatest unquantifiable variable.
My coaching qualification fits hand-in-glove with my physio, my focus simply shifted slightly as to the perception of pain, not merely the anatomy of the pain itself.
Then I did Meta Dynamics. Suddenly a massive jigsaw started to fit together in ways I had suspected but never known. Pain was not merely a “symptom”, it was an interpretation of a story with a huge unconscious bearing.
Simply said, the story we tell ourselves about pain determines the physical way we perceive it.
Change the meaning of the story and the actual pain changes!
Deep State Repatterning has been the springboard to unravelling unconscious perceptions regarding pain…and all this without laying a hand on my patient!
"I am at the real baby steps stages still: rebranding, developing systems and procedures that I can replicate and document. This is exciting stuff!"
Lynn Matthews
Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching
This realisation has been huge for me and the impact has been enormous for my clients, especially those with Fibromyalgia. Patients who were not functioning because of their pain are now living normal lives.
I am at the real baby steps stages still: rebranding, developing systems and procedures that I can replicate and document.
This is exciting stuff!
My long term goal is to collect enough data from my sessions with clients so that I can publish research in mainstream medical journals regarding this work.
Who would have thought that at the age of 51, I could discover another approach to my lifelong desire to address people's pain and suffering?
Lynn began her coaching journey in September 2014 and it has changed her life. She had spent 30 years registered physiotherapist and through joining The Coaching Institute her belief systems about her field and how she treats people has altered drastically. She is now looking forward to posting her findings on stopping debilitating pain through Deep State Repatterning in medical journals so that she can share what she has learnt.
Lynn Matthews
Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching