My intake weekend was in August 2009
I came to The Coaching Institute to deal with my depression
My advice to other fabulous TCI coaches is to get into power questions. Your mind loves positive intent and creates new possibilities to serve that intent.
Ben Kain
Diploma of Life Coaching
"Before I joined I started from a place of depression."
I had the best job in the world but still couldn’t be happy. I was very much all or nothing and the nothing times were hell. I wasn’t even compelled to get out of bed. I came to The Coaching Institute to deal with my depression. Not only did I get my ‘X’ but I have been given the whole alphabet as well! It’s called the instruction manual to my brain. And now it’s interesting. I no longer measure myself with regard to clients or what my certification is.
I am due to do Master Practitioner next month, NLP Trainers Training next year and am new to Mastermind but that doesn’t matter anymore.
It’s all the fun along the way. I am already and always have been a coach. We all are when we give
I studied a degree in Psychology and Counselling...
My biggest turning point has actually been a progressive one. The training event ‘How to Run a Successful Workshop’ was the first major crack in my unresourceful armour and I began to see my light. I began to get over myself and to serve others because I was forced to as I stood there in Trainer’s stance and fully engaged the needs of my audience. Serving others took the focus off all my petty stuff and then guess what? My petty stuff began to disappear. It was like waking up.
NLP Practitioner helped the rest of that armour fall away and the light is blinding. It bounces off everything and everyone in the most phenomenal ways. Quantum is my new favorite word because everything I give has a ripple effect. The real catalyst for me has been the realization that we have chosen everything in our life. Even our pain, illnesses, diseases. Stuff life procrastination or confidence, or even smoking all becomes petty stuff that literally disappears once you realize that those things have been a result you have chosen.
What’s even more exciting (and liberating) is that we most likely weren’t even aware of it as we were choosing those things. For most people, they aren’t aware of over 90% of the choices they make!! Without someone driving those choices it’s no wonder so many of us have been all over the road and that our world and everyone we have impacted has been so messy!
Showing people how to take back that awareness of what they choose is what compels me now. I have to share this with the world. For me that is the giving that has cleared the screen. It is so simple.
My advice to other fabulous TCI coaches is to get into power questions. Your mind loves positive intent and creates new possibilities to serve that intent.
Also get hold of a template for a hundred year vision. Seriously. It is rocket fuel.
Recognize that many of you might have a strategy of needing to know the process before you do anything.
As you tell yourself how limiting that has been for you in the past, I want you to notice the simplicity and ease with
which you are moving forward right now, and how decisive and energized you feel with your compelling outcome clearly in mind. You might encounter some
challenges along the way, but with your new awareness of choice, you find those challenges becoming opportunities for an even greater you.
Share this and enjoy!
When I think of my future…What I truly want is to educate everyone about the power of choice.
The interactions I have been having with people when I do that have been quite profound. My future is proving to be an endless corridor of opening doors so all I can really say right now is I am figuring out a way to get my message into all of those doors.
Ben Kain
Diploma of Life Coaching