I am a GP at LITHI Clinic (Living in Total Health Initiative)
Martha Ngunjiri
Accredited Professional Coach
I am a GP at LITHI Clinic (Living in Total Health Initiative). The clinic is at Kiambiu one of the slum settlements in Nairobi, Kenya. My encounter with sick people led to my desire to work with them, changing their thought patterns to build resilience and strength in overcoming sickness, and further working with the community on prevention. I myself went through chronic terminal illness, however I chose to approach the challenge with positivity and strength. I am now healthy and vibrant pursuing my life dreams.
I was widowed in 2009 and this took me through what Miriam Neff describes: “We change, much of it is good. Becoming faith filled because we can’t face the day any other way, strong because we have no choice, compassionate because our heart has been broken, determined to give love and to reconnect with it because widows lose 75% of their friendships.”
I totally agree with Miriam; No one can comfort a widow like another widow – a connecting and believing friend. For this reason I started looking out for and working with other widows and encouraging them.
“TCI has given me a powerful reconnection with myself and I have regained my youthful creativity. The amazing TCI community also confirms that if I focus on lifting and working with others to become their best, my own is assured”
Martha Ngunjiri
Accredited Professional Coach
I have now started a company that is focusing on helping people become their best. I am working with widows to help them rebuild their life after loss and be their best self as they parent and contribute to their communities.
In all this, TCI is giving me a wonderful structure and support to initiate change in people, the most powerful and difficult change to ever make. I could not be in better hands than I am at TCI.
I am opening up a WSM office near the clinic with plans under way to start work there in January.
From here I will be coaching widows, single mothers and couples.
This office is next door to a hall on the same floor. I plan to move the clinic to this building by mid 2016. When this is done, I will get space for a library equipped with inspiring and motivational books to encourage a reading culture in the community. My desire is to be able to duplicate this in other slum communities. I can’t wait to make this happen with the support of the amazing community at TCI.
Martha Ngunjiri
Accredited Professional Coach